New master franchise partner for Switzerland and Liechtenstein

We are happy to represent our new master franchise partner, Mr Wolfgang Sailer, who will as of now be responsible for the eastern part of Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Mr Sailer had already accompanied his wife to the Mortimer Headquarters in October 2016 when she started her franchise partnership to open up her own Mortimer English Club in in the region Wil – Gossau in the canton of St. Gallen.
Soon after, Mr Sailer decided to go further with Mortimer and acquired the master license himself.
He is furthermore area manager of entire Switzerland and therefore first contact person for future prospective franchise partners in the area.
During a thorough training which he absolved at our headquarters two weeks ago, he gained an insight on all tasks that come along with his master partnership.
We wish Mr Sailer lots of success with this new project and look forward to many more Mortimer outlets throughout his region soon.