News from Mortimer English Club

Scientific survey confirms the positive effects of early childhood second language acquisition.

September 2014 – In early 2014, the management of Mortimer English Club entrusted the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt with the implementation of a survey to examine the effects of early childhood English education with Mortimer. Read more...

Mortimer master partners met for a seminar and the yearly exchange of experiences at the International Headquarters of Mortimer in Herscheid!

June 2014 – International flair was in the air at the Mortimer Headquarters in Herscheid: The managing directors invited all master partners to the yearly master meeting. Read more...

Managing director of Mortimer English Club visits a branch on Sri Lanka.

May 2014 – Karola Scheer, founder and managing director of Mortimer English Club visited the Mortimer branch in Piliyandala, Sri Lanka at the end of April. Read more...

Mortimer receives once more the DFV quality seal

March 2014 – System check which the German Franchise Association. Read more...

Mortimer English Club on TV in Ukraine.

February 2014 – “We are on TV,“ were the news the Ukrainian master partners Anna Lobunova and Inna Azarova announced proudly a few days ago. Read more...