Strong partnership for more integration
Please read today how our pilot school in Lüdenscheid became partner of a nationwide institution which advocates for the integration of people with mental or physical handicaps into society, called “Lebenshilfe”.
The idea came up with a newspaper article about a new manager of the “Lebenshilfe” and an open call for any local business interested in a partnership. After talking to the manager of the “Lebenshilfe” we set up an appointment to discuss the details of such partnership.
Basically the idea is to create “room for encounters” between people looked after by the “Lebenshilfe” and others. School manager Kristina Migliorini is pleased by the new opportunities: “I may be speaking only for myself but without having anyone within my circle of family and friends with mental and/or physical handicaps, I rarely get in contact at all. Goal of the ‘Lebenshilfe’ is reducing prejudices and fears.”
At the moment we are checking out the possibilities of taking this partnership to another level by offering specially designed courses for students with mental deficiencies. As soon as we can claim any results and further experience on this field we will be happy to share those with you.
Foto: Grégoire, Lüdenscheider Nachrichten