Silver is followed by gold – Mortimer English Club wins the F&C Gold Award!

Great news reached the Mortimer English Club-International Headquarters in Germany shortly before the Christmas break - Mortimer English Club qualified for the F&C Gold Award for the year 2013 which is awarded by the international centre for franchising and cooperation (F&C) and the association for corporation and network evaluation (GUN). The qualification arises from a survey which was filled out by our franchise partners and analyzed by F&C and GUN.
Background of the survey is that every “full member” of the German Franchise Association has to undergo a system check up every three years. Important detail of this check up is a thorough franchise partner satisfactory survey.
Mortimer’s positive results attracted the attention and were now awarded with this great prize. The award certifies Mortimer an extremely high relationship quality.
Only 14 franchise systems qualified for the gold award – one more reason to be proud of this honour. In 2010 Mortimer was already able to qualify for the silver award – a great improvement!
Of course the joy was great on the side of Mortimer’s managing directors and the entire team. A special “Thank you” goes out to the Mortimer franchise partners – thanks to their active cooperation this great award could be achieved.
The managing directors of Mortimer as well as the whole team are looking forward to a lot more successful years!